الأحد، 22 يوليو 2012

survey and knowledge of people

survey and knowledge of people

The result that the survey shows is very good to  understand. It shows the knowledge of people about some case .The results indicate that this case is known by the people or not. We must try to improve the knowledge of the person who used the survey . Also we must make it clearly and easy to solve be people.

السبت، 21 يوليو 2012

surveymonkey very funny

working with survey monkey is very funny

I loved working with survey monkey. Because it gave me alot of ideas that I can share with other people. Also it gave the figures and the facts about subjects. Some thing else..it give the people the knowledge about some basic information or idea.

surveymonkey good way for communcation

surveymonkey good way for communcation

Surveymonkey taught me many things. The best thing that I learned is how to create a
survey and send it to many people to answer. The survey you can   take the knowledge from it .The charts helped me to show a picture of my study. It helped me to organize the works and made it ready for improved study .Also survey monkey helped me to realize a lot of things that I didn't know about the computer. Also how you used it in ways that can help people. Or to get the knowledge in some thing useful.Also the most important that you will going to study case and its effects
